I like jumping rope a whole lot more than jumping jacks!!
I did it! I didn't want to. . . but I did it any way! As I said in my last post I couldn't find the time to fit my circuits in today. At 8:30 tonight I decided they had to be done. So I changed into my workout clothes and reluctantly began the circuits. I don’t know why I always dread them. I always feel so good once they’re done.
I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into what my circuits look like. This work out is from tonight. (This particular work out took me 65 minutes to finish.) Within each circuit there are 2 or 3 exercises. You begin with Circuit 1 and do 1 set of each exercise. Then you go back to the first exercise and quickly do the 2nd set of each exercise. When you have completed Circuit 1 you move to Circuit 2 to and so on and so forth.
Warm Up/Prep
5 minutes
Circuit 1
Wide Grip Pull down
3 sets of 15
Backward Lunge
3 sets of 15
Jumping Jacks
3 sets of 1
1 minute
Circuit 2
Seated Row
3 sets of 15
Side Lunge
3 sets of 15
Squat Thrust (These are KILLERS!!)
3 sets of 1
1 minute
Circuit 3
3 sets of 15
One-Leg Pelvic Thrust
3 sets of 15
Circuit 4
Reverse-Grip Curls
3 sets of 15
Weighted Crunch
3 sets of 15
Jumping Jacks
3 sets of 1
1 minute
Circuit 5
Concentration Curls
3 sets of 15
Russian Twists
3 sets of 15
Jumping Rope
3 sets of 1
1 minute
Cool Down (I stretch the entire time)
5 minutes
Doesn't that sound like FUN?!?!?
I was wondering how you know how to do all these circuits and how you follow a different schedule each week. You look beautiful and are so inspiring!!!!!!
I signed up with www.jillianmichaels.com. The program gives me the 4 circuits a week. They are all different because Jillian Michaels says muscle confusion will keep your body headed in the right direction. It's much cheaper than the gym and I normally do them in my garage. All I needed was dumbbells, an exercise ball, a jump rope and a resistance band.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm just fighting the battle one day at a time. :)
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