Monday, January 6, 2014

Food Is Not Our God

A quick update before we get to the subject of this post. . . . my workout was GREAT yesterday. Last Friday's “bonking” was definitely because I did not have enough fuel in my body. The Protein Waffles recipe I got off Heidi Powell's blog was good. I am a texture girl and they were definitely not light and fluffy waffles. Once I got past that (and put a tiny bit of maple syrup on them) they were good. I will definitely make them again, especially before a workout. You can find the link to the recipe on yesterday's blog. 

I read a blog post today that I really liked and thought I would share with you. I feel, some days, as if I am losing my mind because of all the information coming at me about diet, exercise, and healthy eating. I would say 90% of the food in my house is organic, but sometimes I just cannot do it. We eat fast food too. *Gasp* I know how horrible it is for you. . . . however, sometimes you just want to be bad. :) The point is I am trying to do the best I can for this Earthly body of mine and to make my days here on Earth the best they can be, but food is not my savior, Jesus Christ is. Here is the link to the post I read today: